World Mental Health Day

Today, on World Mental Health Day, we’re shining a light on something we believe in deeply here at York Cares which is the powerful impact that employee-volunteering can have on mental well-being.

Mental health is a topic that affects us all, whether personally or through those we care about. It’s about how we feel, how we handle stress, and how we connect with others. At York Cares, we’re proud to play a part in making mental health a priority for everyone in our community, and we’re passionate about the role that volunteering plays in supporting positive mental health.

One of the most remarkable aspects of volunteering is its ability to create connections both with the community and within ourselves. Through our Social Connections and Aspirations programmes, we’ve seen first-hand how engaging in these activities helps people feel more connected, reduces stress, and provides a renewed sense of purpose.

Whether it’s inspiring young people through giving them an insight into the world of work, or sharing stories over a cuppa with our Older and Younger Neighbours, these small acts of giving back create a strong sense of belonging. The joy of making a positive impact in someone’s life is contagious, lifting your spirits while building a more supportive community around you. These moments remind us that even the smallest gestures can make the biggest difference, not just to others, but to our own mental well-being.

And let’s not forget the incredible benefits of getting outside! Through our Environment and Sustainability programme, we encourage people to volunteer with their teams in York’s beautiful green spaces. There’s a growing body of evidence that being in nature helps to reduce anxiety, boost mood, and increase feelings of calm and positivity.

Volunteering outdoors, whether planting wildflowers, caring for local parks, or simply taking a moment to breathe in the fresh air can be a game changer for our mental health. There’s something awesome about working with your team under the open sky, even when it’s pouring with rain, knowing that your efforts are helping York’s green spaces to flourish. It’s a powerful way to combine supporting the environment with self-care, creating a lasting impact on both the environment and our own well-being.

While volunteering is a fantastic way to support our mental health, we also want to remind everyone about the importance of taking time to talk and reach out when you need support. Whether it’s sending a message to a friend, having a cuppa with a colleague, or reaching out to local organisations who can offer support, talking about mental health should be a normal part of everyday life.

York has many organisations and networks ready to listen and offer support. On this World Mental Health Day, let’s commit to making mental health a priority, breaking the stigma, and remembering that it’s always okay to ask for help. We’re all in this together, and there’s no shame in reaching out when times are tough.

Join Us in Making a Difference

At York Cares, we believe that by coming together through employee-volunteering, we can create a stronger, more connected community that supports each other’s well-being. Whether it’s building the confidence of young people, engaging in social activities with our Older and Younger Neighbours, or contributing to the health of our green spaces, there are countless ways to get involved and make a difference not only for those around us but also for ourselves.

Remember: If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. There are many local resources available, and taking that first step is the most important part.